
Entity Definition

Logical Name : UnitOfMeasureConversion
Physical Name : CO_CVN_UOM

Provides the multplication factor required to convert one UnitOfMeasure to another. Eg: 1in = 2.54cm

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ConvertsFrom (FK)(PK) The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. CD_CVN_UOM_FM Code varchar(20) UnitOfMeasure(CO_UOM)
ConvertsTo (FK)(PK) The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. CD_CVN_UOM_TO Code varchar(20) UnitOfMeasure(CO_UOM)
Amount The multiplier that converts the FromUOM to the ToUOM. It is intended to represent a ratio. It applies to simple conversions. A separate attribute is used to define a conversion formula for more complex conversions (e.g. between degrees Faharenheit and degress Celcius) MO_UOM_CVN Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
ConversionRuleDescription A short text representation of the formula used to convert between two distinct units of measure. For example to convert degrees celcius to degrees Fahrenheit use F=(C * 9/5)+32. It requires a little more information that a simple ratio. DE_CVN_RUL DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
UnitOfMeasure converts to UnitOfMeasureConversion
UnitOfMeasure converts from UnitOfMeasureConversion

Logical Views containing UnitOfMeasureConversion

Logical View
Logical 01000 - Item Description - Macro View
Logical 01004 - Item Description - Branding
Logical 01030 - Item Description - Recipe View
Logical 01501 - Item Unit of Measure Types
Logical 06500 - Time Groups View
Logical 10102 - EnterpriseWeather